Gautama buddha

In 2022 nearly 7 % of the world population practiced Buddhism And It’s being the 4th largest religion with a population 500milion. In we can see a large devotee presence in South Asia(Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka), the Korean peninsula, Southeast Asia(Myanmar, Cambodia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand Tibet, Laos, Macau), Mongolia, Kalmykia, and Vietnam. Buddhism. Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions and originated 2,500 years ago in India by Gautama Buddha.

There are so many so story in the context of the birth of Gautama buddha. But the most accepted one is that In 563 BCE Gautama buddha was born in the Sakya Dynasty under the name Sidharth in Lumbini. King of the Shakya Dynasty Suddhodana was his father and Koliyan princess Mayadevi was his mother. But Mayadevi passed away after the birth of Siddharth and Sidharth was raised by his aunt Gautami(Sister of Mayadevi). So he was named Gautama after his aunt’s name. He spent his childhood in Kapilavastu which was the capital of the Sakyas dynasty.

At the age of 16, Siddharth married Yashodhara, who was the daughter of King Suppabuddha and Queen Amita. And queen Amita was the sister of King Suddhodana. At age of 29, Yashodhara gave birth to a son named Rahula.

Buddha’s enlightenment

Lots of questions were coming to Siddarth’s mind. Like”What is after Death?”, “What is the purpose of life?”, “Why do human feels sorrow?”, “How to overcome sorrow in life”. On the 7th day of his son birth Siddharth left his home in the search of enlightenment. He went inside the forest and met a lot of sages. He visited lots of places in ancient India and finally, he reached a place in Bihar. After wandering around for days and nights, Siddharth found himself near a large peepul tree. and meditated for six days under the tree. After the sixth day, Siddhartha attained enlightenment. And he got him all answers. The place is now called Bodhgaya. He delivered the first sermon to five disciples named Mahanama, Koudanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, and Asvajita.

Monks of Buddhism

Doctrine of Buddhism

  • The world is full of sorrow and misery.
  • The cause of all pain is desire.
  • Pain can be ended by killing or controlling the desire.
  • Desire can be controlled by eight right way.

Eight Right Way

  1. Right View.
  2. Right Resolve.
  3. Right Speech.
  4. Right Concentration.
  5. Right Livelihood.
  6. Right exercise.
  7. Right Recollection or memory
  8. Right Meditations.

Buddhist Councils

  • First Council– 483BCE .In this council the teachings of Buddha divided into fragments Vinaya Pitaka and Sutta Pitaka.
  • Second Council-383 BCE at Vaishali in India
  • Third Council-250 BCE at Pataliputra, Now Bihar(A state of India)
  • Fourth Council-at Kashmir 72 CE
  • Fifth Council-In 1871 in Myanmar
  • Sixth Council- In 1954 , sponsored by Burmese Government

Later Gautam Buddha was also known as Shakyamuni(Sage of Shakya Dynasty). At the age of 80, Buddha passed away.

Buddhists believe that human life is one of suffering and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment or nirvana.

life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth, but if one achieves a state of enlightenment.

Gautama Buddha
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